Nazira College is one of the leading premier Higher Educational institution in Assam. The College is located at Sub-division of Nazira, District Sivasagar, Assam, 19 km from Sivasagar Town, and 3 km from Simaluguri Jn. and 78 km from Jorhat air port. The Nazira College, affiliated to Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, was established on 16th December 1981 with a view to promoting Higher Education at Nazira and its surrounding areas. The College came under the deficit- grants in-aid system of Govt. of Assam in 1996 and under provincialization act 2005.  The college has left no stone unturned to provide quality education to students since its establishment. The College has the capacity to enroll 1000 students in Undergraduate Programme and 150 students in Higher Secondary Programme. Skill based courses like BCA, BMC under KKHSOU, Assam;  B.VOC. in Information Technology (IT) and Fashion Designing (FD) under Dibrugarh University, Junior Software Developer (NSQF Level 4 ) under NSHM Udaaan Skill Pvt. Ltd ; PG courses in Assamese under Dibrugarh University anf Sociology, Education, Political Science and Assamese under KKHSOU are introduced in the college. The College is also mapped with PMKVY 3.0 & 4.0 under NSDC. The college has completed 41 years of its commendable existence on 16th Dec., 2022. The college has attained a pride of place amongst the higher education institutions in upper Assam. The NAAC Academic Audit Team visited the college on 13th May. 2017 and the MHRD, Govt. of India has ranked the college among top 200 colleges of India in National Institutional Ranking Framework 2017. The NAAC Peer Team Visited the College for the 3rd cycle of Accreditation in 12th & 13th November, 2021 and awarded B+ Grade with CGPA 2.71.Our endeavor is to take higher education out of traditional contours and make it more job and value-oriented, accessible to all segments of society, ensuring equity and increasing the rate of employability by establishing academia –industry linkage in line with the market demand.


To be a center of excellence in general and Vocational education cherished with fraternity, plurality that produce competent human resources of today and tomorrow to serve the society.


  1. To impart quality education to enriched the academic competency, credibility and integrity of the students.
  2. To facilitate a conducive ambience and infrastructure to develop professional skill and nurture innovation in students.
  3. To inculcate sensitivity towards society, respect for environment and promote high standard of ethics. 


The chair of the Principal has been adorned by the following persons since 1981

  • Late Misbaul Islam : 1981 – 1982
  • Shri Awani Borthakur : 1982 – 1994
  • Syed Mubidul Islam : 1994 – 30.05.2012
  • Mrs. Ranju Buragohain (i/c) : 1.6.12 – 30.11.12
  • Dr. Raju Phukan : 1.12.12 – Current Principal

College Initiatives

  • The college organize All Assam Inter Colleges Quiz competition every year.
  • The College initiative with “Ankuran Sangeet Vidyalay” to provide education on Dance & Musician on Saturday and Sunday in the college campus.
  • The College initiates the programme “Maitree Ek Gyan Yatra”. The faculty member of college takes classes in different subjects as per their requirement under this programme.
  • The Nazira College has signed in MOU with Gargaon College, Jhanji Hemanath Sarmah Collehe, Jhanji, Swahid Piyoli Phukan College, Namti for faculty Exchange programme.
  • The College initiates a children developement programme “Alok Sandhani Moina Parijat” from the year 2006 as a community service

Governing Body

  • Mr. Jatin Chandra Borgohain – President, Nazira College
  • Dr. Raju Phukan – Principal, Nazira College – Secretary
  • Mrs. Jugal Bharali – Vice-Principal, Nazira College
  • Mr. Manik Gohain – Guardian Member
  • Anima Goswami- Guardian Member
  • Gobin Kanwar- Guardian Member
  • Dr.Rashmi Rekha Saikia, Asso. Prof., Gargaon College – University Nominee
  • Sri Jyoti Phukan, Academician, Sivasagar – University Nominee
  • Mrs. Sujata Borthakur, Associate Prof., Deptt. of Maths. Nazira College -Teacher Representative
  • Mr.Gojendra Sarma, Associate Prof., Deptt. of Geography,  Nazira College – Teacher Representative
  • Dr. Rajendra Mohan Debsarma, Librarian-Member
  • Khukan Ch. Dey-Office Representative
  • Sri Debabrat Saikia, Local M.L.A.-Permanant Invitee